CRU Strategic Plan 2025–2027

Closed11 Jun, 2024, 09:00 - 22 Jul, 2024, 23:59

About this Consultation 

The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) is preparing its Statement of Strategy 2025-2027. The Strategy will confirm our strategic priorities as we work to ensure safe, secure and sustainable supplies of energy and water, for the benefit of customers now and in the future. 

Our current Statement of Strategy (2022-2024) sets out our priorities to: 

  • Ensure Security of Supply 

  • Drive a Low Carbon Future 

  • Empower and Protect Customers 

  • Enable our people and organisational capacity 

You are invited to participate in this consultation and contribute your views about the future strategic direction of the organisation. Your feedback is important as it will directly inform the preparation of the new Statement of Strategy for the CRU.

This consultation is open until 22 July 2024. Thank you for your participation and time. 

Please note your response will be publicly available for viewing on the portal at the end of the consultation. If you require your response to remain confidential, please clearly state this in your response.


33 submissions have raised observations relating to this consultation.


1. What are your principal areas of engagement with the work of the CRU?
2. What specific activities of the CRU do you believe have brought most value to its stakeholders over the last three years?
3. What will be the most important/significant external opportunities for the CRU over the next 5-10 years that will require action during the period of the 2025-27 Strategy Statement?
4. What will be the most important/significant external threats likely to impact on the CRU over the next 5-10 years that will require action during the period of the 2025 to 2027 Strategy?
5. Do you have any suggestion for strategic priorities/goals/actions and associated outcomes for the next Strategy Statement?
6. Are there any other issues/aspects that you consider should be taken into consideration in framing the next CRU Strategy Statement?